Health Insurance

In today’s world, everyone is concerned about their health and medical treatment they can receive. Whether you are covered by a National Health Scheme, self-employed or have no basic benefit, your requirements will vary considerably. We will propose the most appropriate private health insurance, even on a worldwide basis if necessary.

Critical care

Whether you are or not covered by a private or State scheme, you may wish to be in the “best hands” in the event of a critical illness. This is precisely the purpose of our Critical Care Plan. Not only does it provide you with the best medical care, the final choice of hospital/team being yours, and a complete follow-up, but it will also cover your expenses. Please refer to our table of benefits to appreciate the extensive level of cover provided.

National Health insurance Scheme (French/Monaco Social Security), mainly for employees.

National Health schemes have a chart of fees for each and every medical treatment received whether surgery, doctor’s visits, prescriptions, dental, optical, etc. They will then reimburse a percentage of this chart, 60%, 70%, 80% or even 100%. Top-up insurance schemes will make up the difference, but treatment received and charged may exceed the figures allocated in this chart and covering only the difference between the reimbursement made and the amount of the chart may not be sufficient.

Self employed.

The same principles as the employee section above applies, save that the basic National Health schemes limits their reimbursements .

Persons with no National Health State schemes benefit.

Coverage will need to be on a full reimbursement basis, but you may decide to restrict cover to in-patient treatment only, exclude dental, territorial limits restricted to Europe only or wish to include USA for frequent visits, etc. These schemes usually include an overall annual aggregate limit and sub-limits for some sections (dental, pregnancy, etc.). See details of our EXCLUSIVE Optimus plan below, specially designed by us for YOUR needs.

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Complete medical cover

from 1st € upwards

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Critical Care medical

Concierge service

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Top up to a National

Health Scheme

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You can download leaflets of some our plans.

Complete medical cover from 1st € upwards

Critical Care – Medical Concierge service